Grade7 Expectations

Grade 7-ALGEBRA1

Overall ExpectationsBy the end of this course, students will: 

·        Translate between words and algebra.

·        Evaluate algebraic expressions.

·        Add real numbers.

·        Subtract real numbers

·        Multiply real numbers.·        Divide real numbers.

·        Evaluating expressions containing exponents.     

 ·        Evaluating expressions containing square roots.

·        Classify numbers within the real number system.

·        Use the order of operations to simplify expressions.

·        Use the commutative, associative, and distributive properties to simplify expressions.

·        Combine like terms.·        Graph ordered pairs in the coordinate planes.

·        Graph functions from ordered pairs.

·        Solve one-step equations in one variable by using additions or subtraction.

·        Solve one-step equations in one variable by using multiplication or division.

·        Solve equations in one variable that contain more than one operations      

·        Solve equations in one variable that contain variable term on both sides.

·        Solve a formula for a given variable.

·        Solve an equation in two or more variables for one of the variables.

·        Write and use ratio, rates, and unit rates.

·        Write and solve proportion.

·        Use proportions to solve problems involve geometric figures.

·        Use proportions and similar figures to measure objects indirectly

·        Solve problems involving percent

·        Use common applications of percents.

·        Estimate with percent.

·        Find percent increase and decrease.

·        Identify solutions of inequalities in one variable.

·        Write and graph inequalities in one variable.

·        Solve one step inequalities by using addition.

·        Solve one step inequalities by using subtraction.

·        Solve one step inequalities by using multiplication.

·        Solve one step inequalities by using division.

·        Solve inequalities that contain more than one operation.

·        Solve inequalities  that contain variable terms on both sides           

·        Solve compound inequalities in one variable.

·        Graph solution sets of compound inequalities in one variable 


Overall ExpectationsBy the end of this course, students will:

  • Identify point, line, and plane.
  • Identify postulate and theorem.
  • Use theorems and postulates to solve problems.
  • Identify segment and ray
  • Use the mid-point formula
  • Identify an angle
  • Classify angles according to their measures.
  • Identify adjacent angles, congruent angles, vertical angles and angle bisector.
  • Identify supplementary and complementary angles.
  • Identify corresponding angles, alternate interior angles, alternate exterior angles, interior angles.
  • Classify triangles according to its sides.
  • Classify triangles according to its angles.
  • Identify the exterior angle
  • Use the third angle theorem to find the measure of the third angle.